Deep Well No. 1 / PUMPING STATION 1 |
Address: Brgy. San Jose, Binalbagan, Negros Occidental |
Deep well No. 1 was drilled by NAWASA sometime in 1963 to a depth of 91 m and cased with 200 m O steel casing. At present the well is equipped with 15 HP “Franklin” Submersible pump. Present average production capacity is 13 lps. |
Deep Well No. 2 / PUMPING STATION 2 |
Address: Brgy. San Jose, Binalbagan, Negros Occidental |
Deep well No. 2 was constructed by LWUA sometime in 1982, drilled to a depth of 150 m and cased with 200 mm x 300 m O steel casing with screens. It is equipped with 25 hp Submersible pump “Franklin.” Present production capacity is 22 lps.
BWD is served thru CI, ACP, steel and UPVC and PE pipes with varying sizes ranging from 50 mm to 200 mm of Transmission and Distribution Lines with a total approximated length of 35 kms.
Safety of the water supply is the primary concern of the district. Thus, it employs chlorination, not only at the source but also within the system.
Deep Well No. 3 / PUMPING STATION 3 |
Address: Sitio Lourdes, Brgy. San Jose, Binalbagan, Negros Occidental |
Deep well No. 3 is part of the Binalbagan Water Supply System Project (STWSSP) funded by Asian Development Bank and constructed by LWUA on 2004. Deep well 3 or Pumping Station No. 3 is equipped with 25 hp Submersible Pump with a Pump house to secure all the necessary mechanical and electrical pump and motor and treatment facility.
The 12-month moratorium on the district’s loan amortization from LWUA was requested for the construction of Water Aeration and Filtration System to improve the water supply quality produced by Deep well No. 3.

Deep Well No. 4 / PUMPING STATION 4 |
Address: Brgy. Payao, Binalbagan, Negros Occidental |
Deep well No. 4 was drilled on 2010 funded through Non-LWUA Initiated Fund (NLIF). It is located in Brgy. Payao, Binalbagan, Negros Occidental.
One Hypo chlorinator Set was installed in the pump station to ensure the delivery of potable water to the consumers and the would-be consumers. A total of 250m Powerline Extension was installed to supply electricity for the well. These water supply system improvements shall serve about 4,406 households comprising of about 22,957 people.
400 cu. m. Elevated Steel Reservoir |
Another source is the 400 cu.m. elevated steel reservoir beside the newly constructed BWD Office Building at San Teodoro of this municipality.
The 400 cu. m. Elevated Steel Reservoir has an overflow elevation of about 26 m, with the required minimum pressure of 7 meters to the consumers. The reservoir is designed based on the intermediate day supply of the system until the design year 2010.
Appropriate soil investigation was conducted before the final design of the reservoir to ensure safety of the structure.